​We Provide Assistance With:
HEAT New Mexico
Pantry Assistance
Bus Passes
Back to School
Christmas Angel
Rental & Utility Assistance (Subject to Available Funds)
Referrals to other Agencies
​The Salvation Army Albuquerque
Family Services​
4301 Bryn Mawr Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107

Hours of Operation​
9:00 - 11:30am
1:00 - 3:30pm
Closed on Holidays
Please come during Hours of Operation for assistance with Food, Emergency Clothing, or would like to purchase a 30-day Bus Pass at a discounted rate.
Requirements for Services
We are dedicated to meeting human need without discrimination. Our services are dependent on available funds and are subject to change at any time. Some programs may only be available certain days of the week or are by appointment only, it would be good to call or stop by for a flyer.
Heat New Mexico: To receive assistance, applicants should bring in their gas bill, proof that they applied for LIHEAP since October 1st, 2022, official IDs for all adults in the household and birth certificates for children under 18, and proof of income. If you have a printer available, you can download, fill out, and print the HEAT NM application to bring with you.
Food: We require a picture ID for each adult and for anyone under 17 in the household a birth certificate, Medicaid card or some official government document. We also require proof of residence- some type of documentation with your name and address on it.
Emergency Clothing: we need to see that in fact you had actual emergency or in fact you are in need of clothing or seasonal clothing. To receive a clothing voucher, clients must bring a referral letter from a medical provider or caseworker.
Bus passes: a picture ID and $10.00 to purchase the 30 day bus pass.
Seasonal programs:
Salvation Army Christmas Angel- assisting Families with a holiday meal, and gifts for kids 12 and under. Sign up usually starts late October early November,
Back to School Supplies - Sign ups start early August, Sometimes we are able to do on the spot distribution; or we may have a set distribution date. It varies year to year, but will take place before the start of school, and if school has already start please feel free contact us to see if we have any supplies left over.
****** Rent and utility services are heavily sought after, please do not wait till they are about to turn off your lights or gas; or wait till you have gone before the judge to seek assistance******

Providing assistance and case management to low-income individuals and families.