"There is no reward equal to that of doing the most good
to the most people in the most need."
- Evangeline Booth, 1919
The Salvation Army embraces, values, and recognizes every contribution. With your help, we are able to stretch our donor dollar for maximum impact and build a stronger community. We also provide our volunteers with flexibility and can work with just about any schedule.

Want to get involved, but not sure how to go about it? Getting started is as easy as clicking a button! SIGN UP TODAY and join us in ‘Doing the Most Good'. ​
We welcome individuals, as well as groups. If you'd like to discuss your service opportunity, you can reach Major Dwaine Breazeale at 505.881.4292 or via dwaine.breazeale@usw.salvationarmy.org.

Bell Ringer Volunteers
We are now recruiting bell ringers for the 2022 holiday season. We’re fighting for good – and we need your help. Sign up to ring the bell at a Salvation Army Red Kettle this Christmas, and you’ll help raise the critical funds we need to make our life-transforming programs and services possible for our neighbors who need us most.
Please contact Major Raewyn Aspeitia Raewyn.Aspeitia@usw.salvationarmy.org to learn more!