Worldwide Prayer Meeting
Every Thursday, people from 132 countries are involved in the Worldwide Prayer Meeting.

Prayer is one of the key elements of our One Army, One Mission, One Message vision plan.
To be a part of this powerful international movement, fill out the Sign Up Form.
Please persevere in prayer and encourage others to join this Worldwide Prayer Meeting. Like the Psalmist, "We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice for we trust in his holy name".
And then we pray, "May your unfailing love
rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope
in you" (Psalms 33:20–22).
May God continue to bless you!
The focus for the Worldwide Prayer Meeting is The Salvation Army's international mission priorities, namely:
ONE ARMY: We see a God-raised, Spirit-filled Army for the 21st century - convinced of our calling, moving forward together
We will...
Deepen our spiritual life
Unite in prayer
Identify and develop leaders
Increase self-support and self-denial
ONE MISSION: Into the world of the hurting, broken, lonely, dispossessed and lost, reaching them in love by all means
We will...
Emphasise our integrated ministry
Reach and involve youth and children
Stand for and serve the marginalised
Encourage innovation in mission
ONE MESSAGE: With the transforming message of Jesus, bringing freedom, hope and life
We will...
Communicate Christ unashamedly
Reaffirm our belief in transformation
Evangelise and disciple effectively
Provide quality teaching resources